Homer, me, Lyles, and Dari |
My back had been bothering me, so I took a few weeks off from boating. My original plan was to use Brian's cat tubes with my frame, so I loaned my catboat to someone else. I ended up taking my IK, which was fine since the flow wasn't that high. Usually, I start the Poker Run weekend by running the Sauk as an overnighter, but I'm having to save up my vacation for January, so I didn't arrive until Saturday morning. I took my time because for the first time in 7 years I wasn't involved in running the event.
The run was fine. Several people switched boats. The person who borrowed my catboat decided they didn't like it, and there was more switching around, but I stayed in my IK. As you can see from the picture above, I went as a frog. My niece got the hood for me when she was in Japan, and I wore it the whole day. That part was lots of fun. It's easy to meet people when you look goofier than usual.
I had lousy poker hands, but won a couple of small prizes. I screwed up my potluck dish and ended up saving it and eating it for dinner the next night. I'll have to make a simpler dish next time. The one good thing was that I got my new Zing tarp. We used it to help protect the potluck tables from the rain.