Saturday, January 24, 2009

5 - 1/24/09 - Clackamas River

I lived in the Portland, OR area from 1983-1986, but I wasn't a boater back then. A friend and I drove down to Vancouver and stayed with a boater friend, who took us on a trip down the Clackamas. We ended up with 4 catarafts and me in the lone inflatable kayak. Because of my flip the previous Monday and the unknown of a new river, I was a little nervous. I took conservative lines and boated in the middle of the pack for most of the run. There were several rapids that were more difficult than I expected, and there were some places where the boils and swirls put me on edge, but I didn't flip and I had a lot of fun.

I look forward to getting to run this river again. I'd like to get in a run with my own cataraft, since this seems like a great river for that type of boat.

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