Sunday, January 3, 2010

2 - 1/3 - Middle Middle

Recent rains brought the Middle Middle up enough for a nice run. We had a group of 3 IKs and a raft, and a flow of around 1500 cfs. The side creeks were kicking in a lot, so we had a bit more water in the House Rocks section of the run. I took a lot of alternative lines through the bigger rapids.

Things got a little weird at House Rocks. We had originally planned to stop at the bottom of House Rocks, but instead we stopped in the middle to talk to a group of IKers who were having lunch at the beach. One of our party went back up to surf and flipped, but I didn't realize he was not with us until after I had been there for about 10 minutes. When I realized he was gone, I jumped in my boat and chased after him. I went pretty fast, but I didn't catch up with him until the takeout. He had assumed that we were in front of him and hadn't stopped, so he had paddled hard down the river to catch up with us.

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