Thursday, March 17, 2011

11 - 3/17/2011 - Middle Middle

This Thursday Middle Middle trip was the first for the year. I hadn't boated for nearly a month. Between high water, low water, and illness, I just didn't make it out. I did get my thigh strap repaired, as well as getting D-rings installed for future emergencies.

We always schedule the Thursday evening Middle Middle trips to start the middle of March. The first couple of years, this wasn't easy to make happen because it got dark at 6:30PM. After the DST rules changed, it got a lot easier. Still, with sunset coming before 7:15PM, we have to meet before 4:30PM to make it happen. After a couple of weeks, we move the time to 5PM and then 5:30PM.

This week, the trip almost didn't happen, but a couple of cat boaters and a raft joined in and we had a nice trip. The flow was low (just over 1000 cfs), so there was a lot of rock dodging, but I like that kind of thing.

There's a lot of snow in the mountains and unless we get a sudden heat wave, we should have a good spring.

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