Saturday, April 16, 2011

21 - 4/16/2011 - Green Gorge (Day 1)

I had never done an overnight run on the Green before, and this was a good opportunity. We arranged shuttle with some friends who live nearby. I took my 14-foot cataraft, since it can carry lots of camping gear easily. I was surprised at how easily it ran, despite the moderately low flow. A large group of boaters went down to the place where the truck bed and other junk was up high on the river bank. Some people cut the truck parts up while others dragged the trash down to the riverside, where it can be picked up at the end of the month.

After most of the group left, three of us ended the day by running Pipeline and a couple more rapids, and then pulled over to camp. The campsite was way up on a ledge above the river. It was not easy dragging camping gear up there, but it was a nice place to camp.

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