Thursday, June 9, 2011

41 - 6/9/2011 - Middle Middle

We had been expecting a flow of 3000, in which case I would have taken my cataraft, but the flow came down to 2400, so I took my IK. We had 2 IKs and a cataraft, so we were able to move quickly.

I tried to do my practice flip in the first couple of big rapids, but I couldn't get the boat to flip, and I started developing a leg cramp. I finally found a hole to hit sideways to help me flip over, and I was able to get back in pretty quickly. I need to work on making sure my paddle is under my backrest before I try to get in. Otherwise, the paddle gets in the way.

One of the interesting things about this flow is that it's about the same as my first full run of the Middle Middle, but it feels a lot different. On that first run, I was avoiding everything big, but on this run I was trying to hit the biggest stuff for fun. House Rocks actually seems easy at 2400, but I know that it gets harder again at 3000.

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