Saturday, June 11, 2011

42 - 6/11/2011 - Green River Gorge (Day 1)

One of my friends suggested an overnighter on the Green. We spent a lot of time planning it, and it almost looked like it might not happen, but we made it work. The biggest problem to overcome was the parking arrangements. We couldn't park at the usual takeout because there is no overnight parking in the state park. We didn't want to park at either the alternate takeout or the put-in because of the likelihood of vandalism. Luckily, I know people who live near the put-in and takeout, and was able to arrange with them to allow us to park there. We left my car at the house near the takeout and we drove up to the put-in. After dropping boats, my friend took his vehicle to the other friend's house. He had originally planned to bicycle back, but our friend gave him a ride.

We got on the river just after noon. Despite the nice flow of around 1500, only one other group was on the river, and they were way ahead of us. The only difficulty came at Pipeline, where I guided my back-weighted boat too slowly into the center of the drop and I ended up falling off the back of the boat. I swam the next rapid (an easy one) and my friend pushed the boat over to me.

At about 4PM, we got to our camp at a location people call The Grand Canyon of the Green. This is a large rock wall across from a nice beach. We set up camp, built a fire, and cooked dinner. The firewood near the river was a little damp, but I had brought a few pieces of dry firewood from home that helped us dry out more.

1500 flow
flip at Pipeline

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