Sunday, October 2, 2011

74 - 10/2/2011 - N Santiam

Gloomy day on the N Santiam
We expected the rain to subside overnight, but instead it rained harder. I had put my tent under the tarp shelter, but at around midnight I heard a big splash a couple of feet from my head. I looked out the tent door and saw that the tarp had drained, and there was a small puddle there. Luckily, the campsite was mostly gravel, so it drained quickly. Several times that night, the tarp drained next to my tent, but I didn't get wet from it.

For breakfast, we heated up our pizza from the night before, and then we packed up and headed for the put-in. We were meeting someone else from Portland who wasn't able to boat the day before, but was free on Sunday. We ran a quick shuttle and did the run again.

The flow was slightly higher than the day before, but it didn't really change the rapids. I took tougher routes, knowing what was below the rapids, and had a great time.

We left the takeout a bit before noon and I got home at around 5PM.

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