Saturday, August 8, 2009

51 - 8/8/09 - Upper Skagit

Every August, WRRR puts on the Carey Berger Memorial Poker Run (Carey was an early club member who died before I was in the club). This event involves people going down the river and adding cards to their "poker hands" (technically, since you can't draw new cards or bluff, this is really just an interesting way of doing a raffle, so it's not gambling). Since I was running one of the card stations, I had to start down the river early and I was one of the last people off the river.

The Upper Skagit is not too much of a whitewater run. It does have some class III whitewater, but it's concentrated in a small area. The other nice thing about this run is that it runs reliably in August, when pretty much everything else is too low.

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