Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dry Spell

If things had gone as planned, I'd be sitting by a roaring campfire right now, waiting for the day to warm up a little before packing up to go down the river for a second day. Even if the backup plan had gone through, I would be finishing packing up to drive to the river for an overnight trip. Instead, I'll be spending the weekend catching up on some work.

A group of us had planned a 3-day river trip for this weekend. We knew it might be cold and rainy, but we were prepared for that. However, the rains of November stopped before the month ended, and we've had basically no rain for over 2 weeks, and we've had lows in the teens. None of the rivers we were interested in have much water. Our last backup plan was thwarted by a burn ban. It's one thing to sleep in the cold, but at least if you can have a nice campfire, it's still fun.

On the positive side, tomorrow is supposed to be the beginning of a solid week of rain. It's supposed to slow down at the end of the week, and the temperatures will be higher all next weekend. That means we'll at least have a chance at running some local rivers.

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