Wednesday, September 1, 2010

58 - 9/1/2010 - Middle Middle

Lyles in House Rocks
I had to take a few weeks off from boating. Before the Poker Run, my back had already been hurting badly, and I needed to rest it. The weekend after the Poker Run, an old friend visited from New York. The weekend after that, I went to the beach with another friend. After that, my dad came to visit me for a couple of weeks. On 9/1, my dad was still around, but he graciously let me take a long lunch to go and run the Middle Middle with Lyles.

A sudden rainstorm had brought the flow up to 2500 cfs. I called Lyles in the morning and we figured that if we hit the river by 11:30, the flow would still be over 2000. We jumped on it and had a great time. My back felt good and I paddled hard.

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