Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Wettest Week of the Year and no Boating

The week of Thanksgiving is usually one of the wettest weeks of the year, and this year was no exception. On Monday, we expected a couple of inches of snow. Instead, we got close to 10 inches. It took me 3 hours to get home that night. For the rest of the week, it was cold and we got a little more snow and some rain. It stayed cold enough that the snow has stayed around, and there has only been a little bit of melt. I had expected to get in as many as 4 days of boating, but in the end, I didn't boat at all.

Some people are still amazed that we boat in the winter. The key to winter boating is clothing. You need a drysuit and warm clothes to wear under it. If you keep your core warm, it's quite pleasant. For me, the worst situation is when the wind comes up. Strong winds can really make me cold.

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