Saturday, September 10, 2011

67 - 9/10/2011 - Upper Tieton

The Zoo (courtesy of my friend Paula)

Normally, I would have run the Tieton on Labor Day weekend, but I had been going through a kitchen remodel, and I needed some time off from boating to work on house things. This day was the day of the first annual WRRR Tieton Costume Contest. We were to decorate our boats or wear costumes. I strapped an inflatable panda, rhinoceros, and tiger to my cataraft, and I ended up coming in 3rd place, winning a WRRR t-shirt as my prize.

The flow was around 2100, which is fairly high for the Tieton these days. In fact, it's higher than the peak the previous year, and usually the peak doesn't happen until the 15th, so flows would get higher. The first run went quickly, and several of us went for a second run in the afternoon. I had brought BBQ pork from a restaurant for dinner for some friends and me. Yum!

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