Friday, November 25, 2011

83 - 11/25/2011 - Green River Gorge

At Thanksgiving the night before, several of us decided to run the Green the following day. I took my little cataraft. We had a good medium flow. Everything was great, though I had an "interesting" run at Pipeline. Normally, I try to run the rapid on the left, but my tennis elbow was giving me trouble. I found myself sideways above the main drop, unable to get left and unable to turn the boat to hit the drop squarely. I went over the drop sideways, and braced for a flip... that never came. I went down smoothly and had no trouble at all.

Sadly, this would be my only Green run in the second half of 2011. I usually get in a lot more runs in the winter, but the lack of rain prevented that.

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