Saturday, May 9, 2009

22 - 5/9/09 - SF Snoqualmie

I had other plans this weekend, but I got burned (well, technically someone else got burned, but that's their story). My next door neighbor and a friend of ours wanted to do an early run on the South Fork, so we met at the put-in at 8AM and got in a quick run. The weather was perfect and we had a nice flow.

One real advantage of running the rivers here in the morning is that the sun isn't in our eyes. The rivers here primarily run West, so in the evening you can be heading directly into the sun, which reflects off the water and obscures the rocks.

For the first time this year, I got pictures (I took pictures on the previous run, but it was so dark that they all came out blurry). I'll have a link to those here soon.

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