Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inflatable Kayaking for Fat People - Part 2: Inflatable Kayaks

The more you weigh, the more flotation your inflatable kayak needs. There are two ways to achieve this: fatter tubes and longer tubes. Some heavy people (not just fat people, but really tall people) opt for 2-person inflatable kayaks for more flotation. This works OK, but it does mean a lot more work. You have to carry the boat, and in a rapid you have to think in advance.

If you weigh 240-300lbs, your best bets are the Hyside Padillac and the Aire Outfitter, and possibly the Vanguard IK (which looks a lot like the Padillac). If you're lucky, you might be able to find an old expedition model Sun Runner or a Wing Probe. Whatever the case, you want to get 11.5" or larger tubes. If you weigh more than 300lbs, the only inflatable kayak I can recommend is the expedition model Sun Runner. Your best bet there is to cast your net for someone who has one of these sitting in a garage unused. Other options include adding flotation to a smaller boat by putting foam blocks in the bow and stern. This will help keep the water out of the boat, so even if you are sitting in a little bit of water all the time, at least the boat will bail quickly.

The biggest problem I've found with inflatable kayaks is the backrests. My stomach doesn't want me to sit bent over as much as most kayaks need, so I need something holding me up. I've found that Hyside makes the best backrest. These days, you have to get them to convert it to fit your boat (they normally come with a hinge fitting, and you'll want a D-ring on each site), but it's well worth the money. Make sure to get the largest backrest they have available, because they do make smaller ones.

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